Crystals and gemstones are used for many different ailments, but not all of them are appropriate for every individual. For example, using a hematite for someone with diabetes would be ineffective and even harmful. Similarly, using blue lace agates for someone who is pregnant would be ineffective and potentially dangerous. Fortunately, there are some crystals and gemstones that are safe for all urinary systems and can help improve overall health. The list below details some of the best crystals and gemstones for the urinary system, including their healing properties, uses and recommendations for each individual. For more information on how to use these crystals and gemstones to improve your health, head to our blog post about the healing benefits of crystals and gemstones.


Calcium carbonate, or calcite, is a common and versatile crystal that can be used for many different health issues. It is most commonly used to treat issues related to the bladder and urinary tract, such as incontinence or frequent urination. Calcium is a key component in the formation of urine, and when it is not present in the body in sufficient quantities, the formation of urine is impaired. Calcium can be obtained from dairy products, but it can also be found in other sources, such as certain types of fish, almonds and broccoli. Calcium can be a useful remedy for people who suffer from frequent urination or incontinence, as it can help replenish the amount of sodium and magnesium in the body. This can help regulate the flow of urine and prevent infections.


Citrine is a type of quartz that has a yellow hue and is often used in jewelry. It is often used for detoxification and can help the body eliminate toxins more efficiently. It is commonly used for the kidneys, bladder and urinary tract. It can be helpful for those who experience frequent urination and who are struggling with other urinary tract infections. It can also be used to treat frequent urination in those who are pregnant or who have recently given birth. It can help regulate the flow of urine and prevent infections. It can also be used for those who have trouble urinating due to the fear of getting caught in the bathroom.


Hematite is a type of iron oxide that is often used in jewelry and is commonly known as “bloodstone.” It is a useful crystal for those who suffer from frequent urination, incontinence or other issues related to the urinary tract. It can help regulate the flow of urine and prevent infections. Hematite is often used in combination with other crystals, such as calcite and quartz, to increase its effectiveness. It can be helpful for those who have recently given birth, as it can aid in the healing of the urinary tract. It can also be used to treat frequent urination in those who are pregnant or who have recently given birth. It can help regulate the flow of urine and prevent infections.

How to Use Calcite for the Bladder and Urinary Tract

Calcium is a key component in the formation of urine, and when it is not present in the body in sufficient quantities, the formation of urine is impaired. Calcium can be obtained from dairy products, but it can also be found in other sources, such as certain types of fish, almonds and broccoli. Calcium can be a useful remedy for people who suffer from frequent urination or incontinence, as it can help replenish the amount of sodium and magnesium in the body. This can help regulate the flow of urine and prevent infections. Calcium can be applied topically or taken orally. For topical use, it can be added to bath water or used in a poultice. For oral use, it can be added to foods or taken as a supplement. For pregnant women, it can be helpful to avoid dairy products.

How to Use Citrine for the Bladder and Urinary Tract

Citrine is a type of quartz that has a yellow hue and is often used in jewelry. It is often used for detoxification and can help the body eliminate toxins more efficiently. It is commonly used for the kidneys, bladder and urinary tract. It can be helpful for those who experience frequent urination and who are struggling with other urinary tract infections. It can also be used to treat frequent urination in those who are pregnant or who have recently given birth. It can help regulate the flow of urine and prevent infections. It can also be used for those who have trouble urinating due to the fear of getting caught in the bathroom. For pregnant women, it can be helpful to avoid certain foods, such as caffeine, sugar and alcohol.

How to Use Hematite for the Bladder and Urinary Tract

Hematite is a type of iron oxide that is often used in jewelry and is commonly known as “bloodstone.” It is a useful crystal for those who suffer from frequent urination, incontinence or other issues related to the urinary tract. It can help regulate the flow of urine and prevent infections. Hematite is often used in combination with other crystals, such as calcite and quartz, to increase its effectiveness. It can be helpful for those who have recently given birth, as it can aid in the healing of the urinary tract. It can also be used to treat frequent urination in those who are pregnant or who have recently given birth. It can help regulate the flow of urine and prevent infections.


The urinary tract is made up of the kidneys, bladder and urethra. It is an important part of the human body and is essential for our survival. It is responsible for removing waste from the body and regulating the amount of water in the body. However, if the urinary tract becomes damaged, it can lead to serious health problems. There are many different crystals and gemstones that can be used to treat issues related to the urinary tract. Calcite, Citrine and Hematite are some of the best crystals and gemstones for the urinary system. Calcium is a key component in the formation of urine, and when it is not present in the body in sufficient quantities, the formation of urine is impaired. Calcium can be obtained from dairy products, but it can also be found in other sources, such as certain types of fish, almonds and broccoli. Calcium can be a useful remedy for people who suffer from frequent urination or incontinence, as it can help replenish the amount of sodium and magnesium in the body. This can help regulate the flow of urine and prevent infections.

Frequently Asked Question

Gemstones have been used for centuries for their supposed mystical powers and spiritual meanings. In ancient times, people believed that gemstones could ward off evil spirits, bring good luck, and protect against disease. Today, many people still believe in the mystical powers of gemstones. While there is no scientific evidence to support these claims, gemstones continue to be popular for their purported benefits. Common gemstones that are said to have mystical powers include diamonds, rubies, sapphires, and amethysts. It is believed that diamonds can bring strength and courage, while rubies are said to promote love and passion. Sapphires are thought to bring wisdom and peace, and amethysts are said to promote healing. Whether or not gemstones actually have mystical powers is up for debate. However, there is no denying that they are beautiful and intriguing objects.