Crystals are used in various cultures for centuries to bring good luck and fortune. They’re also known to be beautiful objects that can add interest to any room. However, they can also become dirty over time and require some TLC to clean. Unfortunately, no matter how hard you try, it’s nearly impossible to avoid accumulating dirt and dust on a crystal. Even if you keep your crystal in a velvet box, it will still collect an amount of dust over time. Luckily, there are several ways to clean them without damaging their aesthetic appeal and value. Here’s how!

Wash with soapy water

The first thing you should do when cleaning your crystal is to wash it with soapy water. This will remove any loose dirt and dust that has settled on the crystal.You can use a liquid soap, a bar of soap, or even baking soda if the crystal is particularly dirty. You can also add a bit of vinegar to the mix if it’s particularly stubborn. Make sure you use warm water and a soft cloth to avoid damaging the crystal’s finish. Make sure to dry the crystal thoroughly after you wash it to avoid it contracting any bacteria.

Dry with a soft cloth

If you’ve already tried and failed to wash your crystal with soap and water, the next step is to dry it off with a soft cloth. You can use the same cleaning cloth that you used before, or put it in the dryer on low heat to make it extra soft. Make sure you don’t use paper towels or a paper towel roll, as they can scratch the crystal’s finish. You can also try using a microfiber cloth. Depending on your crystal, you may have to use a paper towel to get the stubborn dirt out. It’s also worth noting that if you have a crystal bowl or another crystal container, you can also use it to dry it off.

Use a special crystal cleaning solution

Some crystal cleaning solutions contain baking soda, vinegar, and other cleansing agents. You can use these to clean your crystal without damaging the finish. Make sure to read the product label to see if they’re safe to use on your crystal. If the crystal cleaning solution contains vinegar, you should definitely rinse it off after you’ve used it to avoid damaging the crystal finish.

Scrub with a soft brush

If the dirt on your crystal is particularly stubborn, you may need to use a scrubbing brush. Use warm water and a gentle scrubbing motion to remove any dirt. Make sure to use a clean brush for each crystal and a soft bristle brush for any fabric-like objects, like rugs and curtains. You can also try soaking your crystal in a mixture of baking soda and vinegar to make it easier to clean. Make sure to rinse thoroughly after you’ve finished scrubbing.

Try a crystal tumbler

If you have a particularly stubborn crystal, or if you’re concerned about damaging the crystal finish, you can try using a crystal tumbler. This is a small bowl with a lid that you fill with water and a few drops of dish soap. You can use this to submerge your crystal in water and gently scrub the dirt away. Make sure to use a gentle scrubbing motion to avoid damaging the crystal finish. You can also try soaking the crystal in a mixture of baking soda and vinegar.


Crystals are beautiful objects, but they do require some TLC to keep them looking their best. Luckily, there are several ways to clean them without damaging their aesthetic appeal or value. Washing with soapy water, drying with a soft cloth, and using a special crystal cleaning solution are all great ways to clean your crystal without causing damage. If a simple soap and water wash doesn’t do the trick or you’re worried about damaging the finish, you can try using a scrubbing brush, a crystal tumbler, or even baking soda and vinegar.Whatever cleaning method you choose, make sure to dry your crystal thoroughly after cleaning to avoid contracting bacteria.